Weekly Digest

The newsletter dedicated to news from antimicrobial resistance and One Health in the EU.

At the heart of a national and European network of partners, the EU-JAMRAI 2 coordination team (Inserm’s RESINFIT joint research unit 1092) gathers a permanent flow of news focusing on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and other One Health-related topics. This AMR & One Health Weekly Digest is the tool used to disseminate this monitoring, available in the form of a weekly electronic newsletter.

This Weekly Digest covers AMR-related information from research findings, scientific events, public health reports, policy briefs, legislation and procurement mainly in Europe. In just a few lines, it presents the relevant news with the publicly available sources. Find out the latest news on AMR and the One Health approach in the EU, as well as upcoming events and a glossary of abbreviations!

Do you have any information on AMR you would like to share in our weekly digests? Then write to us!



* indique "obligatoire"

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Useful information

Created in 2012 as Joint Research Unit of the University Hospital Center (CHU) in Limoges (France) and accredited by the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), the RESINFIT Joint Research Unit 1092 focuses on antimicrobial and anti-infective resistance in bacteria and viruses through 5 main research axes, from fundamental to translational. The RESINFIT Joint Research Unit 1092 is the project lead of the first and second Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections (EU-JAMRAI).

Since 2024, Inserm’s RESINFIT Joint Research Unit 1092 collects on a weekly basis public information on AMR and other One Health related topics of particular relevance in Europe. This weekly digest is publicly open for subscription to any stakeholder interested in AMR working throughout the One Health spectrum.

The newsletter is sent via the third-party tool “Mailchimp”. It may end up in your spam folder. Don’t hesitate to check and authorise the sender!

Legal information

RESINFIT is financed entirely by Inserm and receives no external funding or sponsorship from private organizations. RESINFIT cannot provide any guarantees and cannot be held liable for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness of any information given on this digest or by any other third party. The views and opinions expressed by individual authors of articles, presentations or discussion/opinion papers etc. do not necessarily reflect those of RESINFIT. RESINFIT provides links to many websites created and maintained by third party public and/or private organizations. The presence of a link is not a RESINFIT endorsement of the site. Upon following a link to a third-party website, users are leaving RESINFIT and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of the third-party website(s). RESINFIT is not responsible for the information collection practices of external sites.

EU-JAMRAI2 receives funding from the European Union’s EU4Health programme under grant agreement No 101127787.
Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections. All Rights are reserved. 2024