The second European Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections (EU-JAMRAI2) is committed to several pivotal objectives aimed at enhancing the collective response to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) within Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (AC). Central to this mission is the provision of direct and substantial support to assist MS/AC in developing and updating their National Action Plans (NAPs) on AMR. Through targeted assistance programs, EU-JAMRAI2 seeks to facilitate the implementation of state-of-the-art Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) measures for both community-acquired and healthcare-associated infections, as well as Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) strategies across diverse settings.

Moreover, the initiative endeavors to fortify the responsiveness and coordination of health systems within the Union by establishing and executing a comprehensive support program tailored to the needs of MS/AC. This includes supporting the development and implementation of core elements and competencies for AMS and IPC across various healthcare settings, thereby ensuring a unified and effective approach to protecting individuals from the threat of AMR throughout Europe.

IPC in Human actions


  • Provide an EU Framework for the implementation of IPC core competencies and EU standards in human health care programs.
  • Develop a self-assessment system to assess the degree of IPC competencies integrated at the local and national levels.
  • Support member states and associated countries in the implementation of IPC core components.
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IPC in Animal Actions


  • Develop an EU-JAMRAI expert network on IPC/biosecurity in animal healthcare to perform a comprehensive review of veterinary IPC protocols, practices, and diagnostic tools.
  • Identify key components of EU-standards for IPC/biosecurity in veterinary medicine according to animal species and husbandry across EU countries.
  • Determine key health and biosecurity measures in animal husbandry to reduce AMC at the farm level.
  • Create educational programs to facilitate knowledge dissemination and information exchange between IPC professionals.

IPC in the Environmental sector


  • Map the existing One Health environmental IPC measures at the country level.
  • Determine best practices for environmental actions with respect to reducing emissions of AMR.
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Behaviour change strategies for IPC


  • Training workshops based on behaviour science theory to underpin effective IPC change interventions.
  • Survey on barriers and facilitators driving the performance of the core IPC practices.