
EU-JAMRAI2 enhances the exchange of best practices and is committed to healthcare professionals training in different fields to support them in addressing the challenges of antimicrobial resistance.

During the four years of the Joint Action, several training programs and activities will be carried out, such as:

AMS in human health educational program

P2P exchange programs:

  • Design of an online Mentorship program
  • Development of an on-site Observership program

AMS in animal health educational program

  • Development of P2P activities
  • Visits to other countries identified as good practices on AMS in companion animal and animal production
  • Design of a veterinary module on AMS in collaboration with the Study Group for Veterinary Microbiology

AMS in environment – Training of the trainers

Creation of a training toolkit for adult learners incorporating teaching innovations.

Training program on behaviour science

Designing an education and training programme on behavioural science principles applied to AMS.

Infection Prevention and Control

  • Organisation of P2P exchange programs
  • Development of an On-line Mentorship program with European expert mentors on IPC
  • Creation of an On-site/on-line Observership program
  • Setting up a digital platform to exchange experiences
  • Design and optimize education programs to facilitate exchange between IPC professionals
  • Organisation of training workshops focused on behaviour science theory to underpin IPC effective change interventions in human and animal health


This network will support EU countries with no surveillance system in diseased animals to develop one via country visits, peer to peer exchange and other knowledge transfer activities.


Antimicrobial resistance is a global threat, and its challenges must be faced by all society layers at different levels. EU-JAMRAI2 will contribute to raise awareness with different actions and activities devoted to school and students of all ages, such as:

Primary school
Dissemination of Micro Combat app game
Use and promotion of a Debate Kit about AMR

Secondary school
Organisation of a Micro combat high school international competition
Design of an Escape Room experience based on AMR

Creation of an E-library with AMR contents and lessons.