Layman report
A short and visual report targeted at a non-specialized audience that serves to inform decision makers and non-technical parties of EU-JAMRAI results and recommendations.
Dissemination report
A report that includes a visual summary of all the dissemination tools and activities developed to give visibility to the progress and the results of the Joint Action.
Final Dissemination Conference report
Report of the conference organized to present the results and recommendations of EU-JAMRAI work and discuss them with high-level speakers from key organizations in the fields of AMR and HCAIs.
EU-JAMRAI partners have participated in more than 60 events, conferences and congresses to present the progress and results of the Joint Action and to advocate the importance of keeping AMR in the heart of the political agenda.
Video interviews to EU-JAMRAI team members
Playlist with short interviews to EU-JAMRAI team members explaining in their own words the work they have developed to reduce the burden of AMR.
Blog with the videos produced by EU-JAMRAI and other relevant videos from our partners and stakeholders.
Dissemination Plan
Strategy developed at the beginning of EU-JAMRAI to plan the dissemination of its progress and results among the targeted groups.