The Challenge
Life-saving antibiotics revolutionized our society and economy. Previously deadly diseases became routine illnesses, requiring little more than a brief treatment. These achievements are now at risk mainly because of the excessive or inappropriate use of antimicrobials. If we do not react on time, the combined resistance to multiple antibiotics might become the greatest world killer by 2050.
EU-JAMRAI was a European Union Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Healthcare-Associated Infections (HCAI) that brought together 44 partners and 45 stakeholders. Our mission was to foster synergies among EU Member States by developing and implementing effective One Health policies to fight the rising threat of AMR and reduce HCAIs.
The One Health approach behind the project
One Health is a holistic multi-sectoral approach which recognises that human health, animal health and environment are interconnected. Diseases are transmitted from humans to animals and vice versa and must therefore be tackled in both.
The importance of fighting AMR at European level
AMR does not recognise geographic borders and requires a coordinated global response. Strengthening national and international health security initiatives against the AMR challenge requires a common European approach.
Concrete results to strengthen Europe's response on AMR
EU-JAMRAI facilitated best practices exchange and discussion among policy makers to develop new National Action Plans on AMR and HCAIs and to improve the implementation of the existing ones.
EU-JAMRAI’s legacy is a new beginning in the fight against antimicrobial resistance. We delivered concrete measures with demonstrated potential to tackle this global health threat. We handed over tools, thoughts, reflections and methods to take Europe forward. The next step is a renewed commitment from all Member States and relevant actors to keep AMR reduction high on the agenda.
All EU-JAMRAI results and recommendations are available here.
What are EU-JAMRAI objectives?
The overarching objective of EU-JAMRAI was to support European Union Member States, develop and implement effective One Health policies to combat Antimicrobial Resistance and reduce Healthcare-Associated Infections. Through appropriate involvement of each group in the different planned actions, the Joint Action aimed at strengthening existing public health policies both at national and European level and contributing to achieve the objectives of the WHO Global Action Plan on AMR, the Council Conclusions on AMR and the EU Action Plan on AMR.