Prioritizing and implementing research & innovation
Prioritizing and implementing research & innovation
Economic incentives
Economic incentives
Incentivizing antibiotic access and innovation
A policy brief developed in collaboration with Global R&D AMR Hub with the result of in-depth interviews with 13 countries pointing to a clear need for specific and detailed incentives.
Country visits to discuss implementation of incentives
Report on the meetings with the first-mover volunteer countries, Member State forums and other participating countries to design more granular incentives in line with country expectations.
Financing pull mechanisms for antibiotic-related innovation: Opportunities for Europe
An article published by Oxford University Press that takes a closer look at four potential financing models (diagnosis-related group carve-out, stewardship taxes, transferable exclusivity voucher, and a European-based “pay or play” model) and evaluate them from a European perspective.
A strategy for implementing multi-country incentives in Europe to stimulate antimicrobial innovation and access
A concrete strategy for the implementation of multi-country incentives in a EU context to stimulate antimicrobial and diagnostic innovation and access. This strategy is aligned with ongoing non-European efforts.
Improving access to essential antibiotics
Developed in collaboration with the EU Slovenian Presidency, this policy briefs presents three interventions, already with documented impact, needed to stimulate innovation and secure access to antibiotics.