The Global Antimicrobial Resistance Crisis
28 August, 2020
EU-JAMRAI Final Conference
18 January, 2021Information:
EU-JAMRAI will participate in the XIV European Patients Rights Day 2020. The Joint Action will be present with the participation of two speakers. Celine Pulcini, from the French Ministry of Solidarity and Health, and EU-JAMRAI leader, will participate on the session Public and private sector challenges to address the “the Silent Tsunami”.
The second day Laura Alonso, from the Spanish Medicines Agency and leader of the Awareness Raising working area of the project, will contribute with a presentation to the session called “Towards an AMR citizens’ alliance” where she will present the Antibiotic Resistance Symbol and the strategy behind this global action.
The XIV European Patients’ Rights Day (EPRD) will be celebrated by Active Citizenship Network (ACN) with a virtual multi-stakeholder conference which, this year, focuses on the topic of the fight to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and the importance of the citizens’ engagement for a multi stakeholder action.