Country to country visits: France-Germany
6 April, 2018
EU-JAMRAI First Stakeholder Forum
15 April, 2018Information:
The Spanish Action Plan on AMR team (PRAN) and the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) of the European Commission will conduct the workshop “Control of Antibiotics Use and Surveillance of Clinical Pathogens in Veterinary in Europe” in order to put together the activities carried out in Europe within the frame of antibiotic consumption and antimicrobial resistance surveillance network. This event will provide a special focus on the clinical pathogens surveillance network in animal health.
Two representatives from EU-JAMRAI will contribute to this workshop as speakers with the following interventions:
– "One Health national strategies and national action plans of AMR in Europe", Pita Spruijt, member of EU-JAMRAI Work Package 5 team.
– "EU-JAMRAI: Clinical Pathogens Surveillance Network", Jean-Yves Madec, Scientific Director on AMR from ANSES and one of the partner participants of EU-JAMRAI Work Package 7.
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