Roundtable: “Antimicrobial resistance: what economic incentives for tackling it?”
2 April, 2018
Seminar: “Prévenir et guérir les maladies infectieuses dans le concept One Health”
3 April, 2018Information:
On 18 and 19 June 2018, a workshop on Healthcare Associated Infections was held at the Public Health Agency of Sweden together with partners from Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
In conjunction to the workshop, the group visited an intensive care unit at one of the major hospitals in Stockholm (Södersjukhuset). The unit shared its experiences on long-term and effective improvement work to reduce the number of patients with Healthcare Associated Infections using the so called Breakthrough Series Model and bundles (a set of evidence-based practices that improve patient outcomes). The workshop was part of a project funded by the Swedish Institute which will end in November 2019.
The collaboration with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine is also part of the European Union Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections (JAMRAI).
More info: PHAS website