Anti-SUPERBUGS Call for Tender
16 August, 2019
Questionnaire for associations, vets, farmers and other professionals related to animal health
16 August, 2019ZonMw (the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development) invites you, on behalf of JPIAMR and the recently started consortium VALUE-Dx, to take part in a survey on resources (collections of biological material and databases) that are relevant for AMR research.
By participating in this survey, you are contributing to closing the current gap of information, and establishing a strong basis for AMR research. As the survey is initiated by a large network of active AMR researchers, participation may also open up opportunities for future collaboration, publications, and research funding. Also, you will get first-hand information from the report that will be constructed from this survey.
The aim is to get an overview of existing resources and services that are relevant for AMR research. Our ambition is to improve their findability and reusability, and thereby their sustainability. The AMR research community will benefit from this initiative, as it will expand options for innovative research. The overview will become available for the entire AMR research community.
Find out more in the online background information to the survey.
Link: nl.surveymonkey.com/r/VS87GV8
Deadline: 1st September 2019
Thank you for participating!