Executive Board Meeting
16 January, 2019
Webinar: “Key areas for high-quality implementation”
25 January, 2019Information:
Patterns to tackle AMR: Designing effective HAI prevention and control programmes in Europe
Patient safety and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) have become major public health concerns at both European and national level. It is estimated that 8-12% of patients admitted to hospital in the EU suffer from adverse events whilst receiving healthcare. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) represent approximately 25% of those adverse events.
Strengthening infection prevention and control practices and implementing antimicrobial stewardship are essential to prevent HAIs and counteract the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance.
The roundtable aims at engaging policymakers and relevant representatives in a dynamic debate on patient safety and HAIs aimed at measuring the current levels of safety in health settings and considering key proposals to strengthen infection prevention and control practices across Europe. The event will include the participation of EU-JAMRAI through the presentation given by Birgitta Lytsy (WP6.2).