European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2017 (EAAD)
15 November, 2017Information:
The European Commission, policymakers and organizations from 28 countries met on September 13, 2017 at the French Ministry of Health in Paris to launch the European Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and HealthCare-Associated Infections (EU-JAMRAI), coordinated by France (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, Inserm, with the support of the French Ministry of Health).
The kick-off meeting was opened by:
- Prof. Yves LÉVY, CEO of Inserm, France. Coordinating organization.
- Prof. Benoit VALLET, Director General for Health. French Ministry of Health, France.
- Mr. Martin SEYCHELL, Health Deputy General Director. European Commission.
- Mr. Dominique MONNET, Head of Disease Programme ARHAI. ECDC, Sweden.
- Mr. Michele CECCHINI, Health Policy Analyst. OECD, France.
- Mrs. Saskia Andrea NAHRGANG, Technical Officer. WHO-Europe.
- Mr Carlos Segovia, JPI AMR representative.
Prof. Marie-Cécile PLOY, EU-JAMRAI coordinator, presented the Joint Action’s objectives as well as the partners and collaborating stakeholders. The next session was dedicated to the presentations of the 9 work packages followed by discussions. The closing was realised by Prof. Christian Brun-Buisson, French ministerial delegate on AMR.
Over 140 participants attended this meeting including the participating partners of the Joint Action, representatives from the European Commission (DG SANTE and CHAFEA), representatives from international organizations (ECDC, WHO Europe, OECD, OIE), but also patients, industry and healthcare professionals (CED, CPME, EWMA, HFE, IFMSA). The meeting laid the foundations for an effective implementation of the joint action. The EU-JAMRAI will build on existing work and initiatives by Member States as well as international organizations (ECDC, WHO Europe, OIE, FAO and OECD). It will propose concrete steps enabling European countries to strengthen the implementation of efficient and evidence-based measures to tackle AMR and HCAI, for the benefit of Member States and overall public health in Europe. Therefore, the overarching objective of the Joint Action is to support EU Member States develop and implement effective one health policies to combat AMR and reduce healthcare-associated infections.