Workshop: Control of Antibiotics Use and Surveillance of Clinical Pathogens in Veterinary
6 April, 2018
EU-JAMRAI First Annual Meeting
20 April, 2018Information:
The first edition of the EU-JAMRAI Stakeholders Forum was held on November 9th, 2018 at the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection in Vienna, Austria just after the first EU-JAMRAI Annual Meeting.
The meeting included a rich programme of inspiring keynote talks and interactive round tables sessions for networking where European policy-makers, key international organizations and representatives from health professionals, patients and industry provided recommendations based on their experience.
In his keynote speech to the Stakeholder Forum, Mr. Martin Seychell, Deputy Director General for Health at DG Santé, urged the audience to keep AMR high on their agenda and contribute to the partners’ action in the framework of this EU-funded project which objectives are fully aligned with international and European action plans on AMR.
The first round table was moderated by Arjon Van-Hengel from DG Research and Innovation and focused on evidence informed public health policies and practices related to combating AMR and HCAI. The participants of the second round table, entitled “Training and Education” and conducted by Dominique Monnet from ECDC, strengthen the importance of putting evidence into understandable packages of communication. To finish the forum, EU-JAMRAI team presented the Joint Action “Awareness raising and communication strategy” and had the privilege to discuss it with Danilo Lo-Fo Wong from WHO Europe, Dominique Monnet from ECDC and Clare Carlisle from the European Platform for the Responsible Use of Animal Medicines (EPRUMA). To download the presentation of the last round table please click here.
See the images of the event in our Flickr account