The Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections launches the website www.eu-jamrai.eu
28 February, 2018
EU-JAMRAI the unique place to fight AMR in both animal and human sectors
9 November, 2018EU-JAMRAI in the 28th ECCMID
8th May 2018
The Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infections (EU-JAMRAI) participated in the 28th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases with a stand financed by CHAFEA.
Congress delegates had the chance to learn more about the objectives of the first Joint Action in the field of AMR, read documentation about the different National Action Plans implemented in Europe and watched some of the awareness campaigns developed by the partners and stakeholders of EU-JAMRAI.
The 28th edition of the most important congress in infectious diseases, infection control and clinical microbiology was celebrated in Madrid, Spain, from 21 – 24 April 2018 and registered record numbers with almost 13,000 delegates from over 125 countries and 198 exhibitors. It was a great opportunity for EU-JAMRAI to network, meet world leading experts and stakeholders and highlight the importance of the mission of the project: to foster synergies among EU Member States to keep antibiotics working.
EU-JAMRAI social media channels informed daily about the Joint Action participation in the ECCMID Congress, being one of the top tweeters in the third day of the event. The EU-JAMRAI stand, team and some talks were shared with the community through different posts along the congress. Thirty new people started following EU-JAMRAI and its influence increased within the users specialized in antimicrobial resistance.