EU-JAMRAI Final Conference
18 January, 2021JPIAMR and EU-JAMRAI virtual workshop on AMR surveillance
23 February 2021, 14.00-16.30 CET
In the current pandemic context, AMR surveillance research is more necessary than ever. The efforts made in this framework in recent years have resulted in a number of relevant outputs, that need to be properly conveyed to policy makers to be incorporated into national action plans.
Across this workshop, jointly organised by JPIAMR and EU-JAMRAI, we will present some of the latest AMR surveillance research findings, followed by a debate about how these results may inform national policies.
This will be a cutting-edge meeting point for policymakers, researchers and funders. They will have the chance to discuss effective strategies to integrate evidence into policies and improve the implementation of AMR surveillance mechanisms in human health, animal health and environment.
The programme includes high-level representatives of the ECDC, WHO GLASS, IMI COMPARE/VEO, the EU-JAMRAI EARS-Vet project, and JPIAMR Surveillance Research Networks.
Why should you attend?
SESSION 1: Opportunities for emerging evidence to inform policymaking
Moderator: Ana Maria De Roda Husman, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
Panelists: Laura Marin (JPIAMR), Dominique Monnet (ECDC); Evellina Tacconelli (JPIAMR network ARCH-Net) and William Gaze (JPIAMR network on Environmental AMR Surveillance Strategy)
SESSION 2: Utilizing evidence in implementing new AMR surveillance initiatives
Moderator: Marie-Cécile Ploy, EU-JAMRAI
Panelists: Lucie Collineau (European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance network in Veterinary medicine, EARS-Vet), Ana Maria Roda Husman (National Sewage Surveillance in the Netherlands, TBC), Frank Møller Aarestrup (COMPARE Versatile Emerging infectious disease Observatory, VEO) and Saskia Nahrgang (WHO Europe)