Integration in national policies and sustainability

To support and improve the development of national plans, this work area fosters the integration into EU Member States’ policies of evidence-based policy initiatives and key recommendations issued through the Joint Action. In order to ensure the sustainability of the Joint Action results, work package 4 will encourage healthcare workers and policymakers to expand and maintain the implementation of EU-JAMRAI activities in their respective countries when and where needed.


  • To develop an integration and sustainability plan.
    • To design an integration and sustainability strategy and plan based on the expected outputs from the Joint Action (JA).
    • To identify achievable and realistic actions which answer on-the-ground realities.
  • To ensure integration of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Healthcare-Associated Infections (HCAI) preventive strategies into national policies.
    • To ensure that all participants’ contributions to the JA are taken into account.
    • To obtain adhesion to best practices by institutions, partners and MS.
    • To ensure that information is conveyed to the competent authorities in the MS in an appropriate format.
  • To foster the sustainability of core actions developed by the JA work packages and scale them up at national level.
    • To ensure the sustainability of results and actions initiated during the JA.
    • To provide tailored recommendations to JA partners and target groups with clear and measurable goals.
        • In general, the WP4 approach will follow the Knoster model to promote cultural, behavioural and organisational change in order to further reduce the burden of AMR.

Partners involved in WP4


WP 3


WP 5