Country to country visits: France – Poland
27 May, 2019
Info Day on Joint Actions
24 June, 2019Information:
In 2014, the global threat of Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) became paramount and governments around to globe began to pay attention to the issue. In response to this, the government of the Netherlands, in cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), initiated the first Ministerial Conference on AMR, with the objective to accelerate political commitment to the realization of the Global Action Plan on AMR
During the 2014 AMR Conference, the parameters of the Global Action Plan were crystallized. It was agreed that the health, veterinary, agricultural and environmental sectors in connection with national governments and international organizations, should work towards common goals. As a result, several nations initiated AMR related conferences to raise awareness and further encourage global cooperation.
It's now been five years since the initial Ministerial conference and four years since the adoption of the Global Action Plan on AMR (GAP). It's time to reflect on the progress done and the requirements needed to intensify international cooperation and the exchange of best practices in implementing national action plans.
Since EU-JAMRAI is all about fostering European synergies to keep antibiotics working, we needed to attend this second AMR Conference. We joined a platform for policy-interesting initiatives in the field of AMR and had very bussy coffe breaks explaining our goals and actions.