Surveys for improving the Infection Control programs in Europe
21 March, 2018This questionnaire is a working document prepared by work package 7 “Appropriate use of antimicrobials in human and animals”, as part of the European Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infections (EU-JAMRAI), co-funded by the Health Programme of the European Union.
The Joint Action will enhance cooperation between Member States, the European Commission and its agencies and other international organisations and will enable each target group to contribute to address the issue of AMR and Healthcare Associated Infections.
Universe of this questionnaire: this consultation aims to collect the views of associations, vets, farmers and other professionals related to animal health on which guidelines or tools have been effective to decrease antimicrobials consumption and improve the prudent use in animals, and the gaps or room to improvement.
The results will be summarize globally, so responders will remain anonymous, and published within the EU-JAMRAI web and will be the base for a coming workshop on November 7th 2018, in Vienna, Austria.
The estimated time to complete the questionnaire: 5 minutes.
Deadline: 1st June 2018
Thank you for participating!